- Register online (registrations close 10 days prior to the commencement date)
- Once you have registered, you will receive a pathology script via email. Take this to one of our authorised collection centres ASAP. The test is to be done after an 8-12 hour fast (water only). Results will be emailed to us within 5-7 days and we will upload them to your profile. If you have purchased an inclusive metabolic program, you will receive your supplements within a few days of registering. If your probiotic displays a ‘refrigerate’ sticker, please place in the fridge upon arrival.
- Prior to starting please ensure you enter your current weight and waist measurements into your Dashboard and we will use an internal formula to calculate your body composition.
- Once received, we will upload your pathology results to your Dashboard to complete your profile. You will receive a detailed report with the results of your pathology. One of our team will be in touch should any markers be out of range.
- Your resources will be open for you to explore in preparation (shopping list, video resources, recipes etc) once registered.
- Your Dashboard will show a countdown timer indicating the exact time you will have full access to your program (2 days prior to your commencement date.)